MARIBÉ – SORS DE CE CORPS is a contemporary dance compagny that bases its activities on creations that explore the way in which our bodies are transformed in contact with the stage, submitting or not to its codes and conventions. Marie Béland reflects, through work on presence and performance as well as with the active assistance of the performers, on the impact on the spectator of an image of the body oscillating between the everyday body, the “ordinary” movement, and its transformation into living work of art.
The company was founded in 2005. It began its activities with maribé – live in Montréal (2005), created following a summer residency at Studio 303, then the show for teenagers Twis-manivelle (2005), which was seen by the newspaper ICI as one of the top five dance shows of the year. Then follow God did not create you just to dance, RAYON X: a true decoy story, BEHIND: a dance in which you are the hero, Life and death of, BLUE – GREEN – RED, Revelations, Persona, BETWEEN and BESIDE which closes the B+B+B trilogy, still in partnership with Montréal Danse.
For 20 years, Marie Béland has choreographed works where the body goes beyond dance: dancing bodies, but alsoreal,everyday, ordinary bodies are at the center of a fine and complex choreographic organization. Marie invites the public toreflect on live performance as a social and aesthetic phenomenon, and on the way in which our bodies are transformed whenin contact with the stage. Each work is an attempt to reconcile body and mind, to show speech and the counter-discoursesthat appear in movements. Lately, Marie is interested in the choreography that our bodies produce in the process of speaking.