Marie Béland and Simon Laroche

Installed in an individual photobooth, and equipped with headphones broadcasting a local radio station, each RADIOMATON user must repeat aloud all the words heard, while imitating the gestures that are displayed on the screen. This recorded performance, mingling movements and words that do not match together, is remixed in a kaleidoscope where all the participants intersect.

True sensory and immersive experience, RADIOMATON questions the construction of truth, media contamination, fake news and the role of the body in the perception of information.

The installation, a codesign signed by Marie Béland and Simon Laroche, digital artist, was conceived as an experience to live in parallel with the show BESIDE. RADIOMATON can also take the form of an autonomous digital object that can be set up in a gallery or in theatrical halls.

RADIOMATON will accompany the show BESIDE on tour in Quebec in 2022-2023, and will circulate autonomously in events dedicated to the digital and living arts.



Marie Béland and Simon Laroche


Rachel Harris, Sylvain Lafortune and Bernard Martin

Partnership and coproduction

maribé – sors de ce sorps and Montréal Danse


Art Circulation


Alain Chevarier