Marc Boivin

The door opened West © Michael SlobodianThe door opened West © Sarah Chase A highly sensitive dancer, Marc Boivin has led a brilliant career for over three decades, collaborating with numerous choreographers, including Ginette Laurin, Louise Bédard, Sylvain Émard, Jean-Pierre Perreault, James Kudelka, Tedd Robinson, Dominique Porte, Felix Ruckert, Mélanie Demers, and Catherine Tardif. In addition to […]

Katia-Marie Germain

Habiter © Olivier Desjardins Chambres © Olivier Desjardins Katia-Marie Germain uses visual arts to further explore the choreographic field. Rooted in the notion of presence and the concept of “inhabit”, her artistic approach addresses the dynamics that unite body and space within performance. Working with finesse and precision on the relationship between movements, scenography and light, […]

Audrée Juteau

Mystic-Informatic © Nicolas Biaux Mystic-Informatic © Nicolas Biaux Audrée Juteau‘s experimental contemporary dance works contain an element of unpredictability and seek to place humans, animals and objects on an equal footing. Seeking to create new choreographic experiences, in her pieces Poisson (2013) and Sam affecte (2015) she worked with her dog, whom she considered a […]

maribé – sors de ce corps

BESIDE © Laurent PhilippeDéplacements sonore © Dimitri HaddadDieu ne t’a pas créé juste pour danser © Mathieu DoyonLes précédents © Dimitri Haddad MARIBÉ – SORS DE CE CORPS is a contemporary dance compagny that bases its activities on creations that explore the way in which our bodies are transformed in contact with the stage, submitting […]

Montréal Danse

All in All © Mayssan CharafeddineBESIDE © Laurent PhilippeInstant Community © Montréal DanseInvisible © Denis Martin Montréal Danse is a contemporary dance company under the artistic direction of Kathy Casey that produces contemporary dance performances with choreographers invited to create. They rethink, redefine and rework what dance is. Through a process of creating, questioning performance […]

Le Carré des Lombes

UNFOLD © Sylvie-Ann ParéUNFOLD © Sylvie-Ann ParéLes Scénographies-Paysages © Luc SenécalLes Scénographies-Paysages © Luc Senécal Le Carré des Lombes is a contemporary dance company marked by the unique universe of choreographer Danièle Desnoyers. For 30 years, it has continuously generated activities related to creation, production, dissemination, teaching, and audience development at the local, national, and […]