
Audrée Juteau / N. Zoey Gauld / Catherine Lavoie-Marcus

Mystic-Métallic vocalizes the sadness of a territory ravaged by the mining industry, and is attuned to the popular uprisings that hope to heal it. A plunge into the world of metals, from the issues of their extraction and exploitation to their sensory and aesthetic presence, Mystic-Métallic is a poetic convocation of their performativity, revealed through danced studies of metal music, vocalizations inspired by the songs specific to this musical genre, haptic, percussive and energetic activations with different metals and metal transformation practices (welding, casting, forging).



Audrée Juteau / N. Zoey Gauld / Catherine Lavoie-Marcus



Sound Designer

Geneviève Crépeau



Lighting Designer

Karine Gauthier



Artistic advisor

Ellen Furey

Metal vocals mentor

Emmanuel Audet



Guest specialists in mining history and metal music

Félix B. Desfossés, Jean-Lou David



Creation and production partner

Le Radeau



Financial partners

CALQ, Entente de partenariat territoriale CALQ et Abitibi-Témiscamingue