RMD evokes optimistic persistence by oscillating between meditation and queer exaltation. This hybrid dance/performance by George Stamos combines hypnotic circular movement patterns and detailed flow with musical support from The Younger Lovers and original haute-couture costumes by fashion designer Antonio Ortega. RMD’s cumulative actions, sound and costumes aim to gradually balance the space, and the audience, over time between calm positivity and driving rhythmic energy.
Requiring little technical support beyond a sound system, smooth walls and adequate space, RMD can be performed in 30 to 50 minutes.
Basically, the piece exists as a duet performed by two men wearing flamboyant dresses, as seen in the supporting material video. Depending on the context of the presentation, local performers and/or additional performers from Montreal may be added to the cast.
Booking at the following address : developpement@artcirculation.org